Araftan kısa süreliğine bakılmasına izin veriliyor. Zira nöbetçilerin amiri gıyabında hepimizin bildiği biri. Ama tahmin ettiğiniz kişi değil. Şimdi burada söylemek olmaz. Arkada, cennete açılan yeşil bir kapı görülüyor. Fakat oradan geçilmiyor. Bir enerji duvarı var. Sadece bakabilirsiniz. Eline yapıştırılmış kalemiyle, demir kafes içinde tütsülenen zat, gerçeği yazmayan, kelimeleri çıkarıp, cümleleri değiştiren, ulvi değerleri kullanıp insanlığa sinsice, fitne ve fesat yayandır. Gerçek dışımı geldi? Denizdeki balığın, otlayan kuzuları bildiğinden fazla bildiğinizi iddia ediyorsanız. Problem yok. Sizi üzmem. Bu bir hikayedir derim. Gerçeği inanmak için değilde, anlamak için arayanlar, işte onlar gerçeğe vakıf olacak olanlardır.
Fotoğrafın telif hakkı bana ait olmakla birlikte, evrensel olarak koruma altındadır. İhlal edenlere ben bakmıyorum. Mona Lisa BAKIYOR
You can observe the scene from the purgatory with a special permission. We all know the watchers in their absence. But the chief is not what you expected. This is not the place to explain everything. Behind the bars you can see the heaven. but it is not the gate. There is a some kind of energy shield. You can just watch it. That is all. Person with the pen melted to his hand in the iron cage exposed to heat for the fumigation. Because of not to write trues, omit the words, amend the sentences on purposely to deceive the human being upon sacred moral values for dissention and corruption.Is it factitious? If you have a perception better than a fish in the sea understands the ships pasturing on the land. No problem. I wouldn't bother you. I can say this is a story. People who seek not to believe but understand shall be the masters.
Copywright of the picture belongs to me. However it is under the protection of universal truth. In case of pirating, I wil not deal with it. Mona Lisa is WATCHING
You can observe the scene from the purgatory with a special permission. We all know the watchers in their absence. But the chief is not what you expected. This is not the place to explain everything. Behind the bars you can see the heaven. but it is not the gate. There is a some kind of energy shield. You can just watch it. That is all. Person with the pen melted to his hand in the iron cage exposed to heat for the fumigation. Because of not to write trues, omit the words, amend the sentences on purposely to deceive the human being upon sacred moral values for dissention and corruption.Is it factitious? If you have a perception better than a fish in the sea understands the ships pasturing on the land. No problem. I wouldn't bother you. I can say this is a story. People who seek not to believe but understand shall be the masters.
Copywright of the picture belongs to me. However it is under the protection of universal truth. In case of pirating, I wil not deal with it. Mona Lisa is WATCHING