Dragon Fest Haliç
Kurumlar arası motivasyon için düzenleniyor. Ülkemizde, Dragon bot takımı 16 kürekçi, 1 davulcu olmak üzere toplamda 17 kişiden oluşur. Yarışacak 17 kişinin en az dördü kadın veya erkek olmak zorundadır. Her takımın 5 yedek yarışmacı bulundurma hakkı vardır. Takımlar için kilo, boy ve yaş farkı önemli değildir. Önemli olan takımın senkron içerisinde kürek çekmesidir.
Kurumlar arası motivasyon için düzenleniyor. Ülkemizde, Dragon bot takımı 16 kürekçi, 1 davulcu olmak üzere toplamda 17 kişiden oluşur. Yarışacak 17 kişinin en az dördü kadın veya erkek olmak zorundadır. Her takımın 5 yedek yarışmacı bulundurma hakkı vardır. Takımlar için kilo, boy ve yaş farkı önemli değildir. Önemli olan takımın senkron içerisinde kürek çekmesidir.
Yarışlar ve antrenmanlar esnasında takımlarda, organizasyon tarafından sağlanacak birer profesyonel dümenci görev alır.
Fotoğraf yazara aittir.
Dragon Boat Racing
A dragon boat (also dragonboat) is a human-powered boat (Paddled Water Craft) traditionally made of teak wood to various designs and sizes. It is one of a family of Traditional Long Boats found throughout Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands. It is now used in the team paddling sport of dragon boat racing which originated in China over 2000 years ago.
In China, dragons are traditionally believed to be the rulers of rivers, lakes and seas (so water) and to dominate the clouds and the rains of heaven. There are earth dragons, mountain dragons and sky or celestial dragons (Tian Long) in Chinese tradition. Mythical dragons and serpents are also found widely in many cultures around the world.
It is believed sacrifices through drowning may have been involved in the earliest boat racing rituals. During these ancient times, violent clashes between the crew members of the competing boats involved throwing stones and striking each other with bamboo stalks. Originally, paddlers or even an entire team falling into the water could receive no assistance from the onlookers as their misfortune was considered to be the will of the Dragon Deity which could not be interfered with. Those boaters who drowned were thought to have been sacrificed.
The standard crew complement of a contemporary dragon boat is around 22, comprising 20 paddlers in pairs facing toward the bow of the boat, 1 drummer or caller at the bow facing toward the paddlers, and 1 sweep (a steerer) at the rear of the boat. Dragon boats vary in length and crew size will vary accordingly, from small dragon boats with 10 paddlers, up to the massive traditional boats which have upwards of 50 paddlers, plus drummer and sweep. For example, in the area around the Tian He District of Guangzhou, Guangdong,China, the paddlers will increase to nearly 80 or more.
- Sport racing distances are normally over 200 m or 250 m, 500 m, 1000 m and 2000 m, with formal Rules of Racing.
- A festival race is typically a sprint event of several hundred metres, with 500 metres being a standard distance in many international festival races.
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