Mad Dog/Lion-King Star-Lugal
Mad Dog/Lion-King Star-Lugal
Names Regulus
Qalb Al Asad, the heart of the lion, Kabelaced, Lion's Heart, Cor Leonis, Basilicus, Rex, Kalb al Asad, Kabeleced
Qalb Al Asad, the heart of the lion, Kabelaced, Lion's Heart, Cor Leonis, Basilicus, Rex, Kalb al Asad, Kabeleced
Bayer α Leo the Lion
Flamsteed 32 Leo the Lion
Araf suresi 27. "sizin onlari
görmeyeceginiz yerlerden,o ve toplulugundan olanlar, sizi görürler."
Tablet: Mona Lisa is one of the lost key for the Free Masonic knowledge.
Tablet: Mona Lisa, Özgür Mason bilgisinin kayıp anahtarlarından biridir.
"There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see."
Leonardo da Vinci
Is Jesus from the kingdom of Annunaki's Emperor (Serpents) in another dimension?
Secret of the Mona Lisa has been
revealed. An astonishing research book has been published. Hidden rulers, Anunnaki's
dominant strategy exposed. Leonardo da Vinci's logger,
Tablet: Mona Lisa will open the new gate for our future. More than 60 pcs.
micro sized embedded figures has been taken out from the portrait of Mona Lisa
by the developed application of the Quantum mechanic's Interference Wave
Tablet:Mona Lisa
Book is in Turkish. Other languages will be available soon.
En Ucuzu >> To buy
Author's notice:
I’m the experimental researcher and author working on the Quantum Mechanic’s Interference Wave Detection Algorithms which has been discovered by my self. Algorithms are used to detect and find out photon wave's (400-700nm) interferences in 200 microns. In this narrow fringe of interference traces could be used to hide prominent informations almost invisible by the human eyes. Such data in form of visual or text can be found on the some targeted objects which are prepared by the ancient scientists. During the our investigations we predicted Leonardo da Vinci’s famous portrait Mona Lisa could be targeted object and decided to examine with our algorithms. As expected we came across large amount of embedded data on the tablet which is extracted by this technique. One of the hidden stories in the tablet (Mona Lisa) was about the Jesus and the beginning of human settlement on earth. Story has been published with a research book including relevant figures and micro sized pictures enlarged to our dimension of consciousness.
Some of the extracted pictures are; Flying UFO with an ancient astronaut, reptilian's main ship with the genetic lab inside, an aveos biker (so called by the tablet) that imitates an abduction scene and ISEOUS (Jesus) with the Magdalena illustrated as another dimension beings as the shapeshifters..
Güncelleme : Mona
Lisa’nın Sırrı ( Tablet: Mona Lisa)
- Resim 7
Referans : 17.04.203
Date: 24. March.2013
Content Analyzing
Latest content analyzing, most probably Tablet: Mona Lisa is one of the lost key for the Free Masonic knowledge. Hidden stories in the tablet imply origin of the beliefs and human being settlement on the earth. Symbolism and illustrated thousand of hidden scenes with the most of the legends and allegories are of a sacred nature related with Free Masonic understanding.
In beliefs, there are three masonry masters as the key holders King of SUR Hiram, King Suleiman and Hiram Abif. Each of them has the different key of the sacred secrets. King of the SUR had the secret of finding proper location to build a construction. King Suleiman had the secret knowledge of the geomancy to align the temple with the stars and sun. Hiram Abif had the secret knowledge of the resurrection and origin of beliefs.
En son içerik analizinde çok büyük olasılıkla Tablet: Mona Lisa’nın Özgür Masonluk bilgisinin kayıp anahtarlarından biri olduğudur. Tabletteki saklı hikâyelerde inançların ve dünyadaki insanlığın başlangıcına ait bilgiler tasvir edilmektedir. Gizlenmiş binlerce sembol ve görseller Özgür Masonların kutsal efsanelerinin anlayışını yansıtmaktadır.
İnanışta, üç ayrı Masonik usta giz anahtarını taşımaktadır. Her bir usta, SUR Kralı Hiram, İsrail Kralı Süleyman ve Hiram Abif ( İbafın oğlu Hiram ) ayrı bir gizin bilgisine sahiptir. Sur Krali Hiram, yapılacak bina için uygun bir yer bulma bilgisi ile donatılmıştır. Kral Süleyman, gökyüzüne göre mabedin ayarlanması (geomancy) bilgisine sahiptir. Hiram Abif ise yeniden doğuş ile tüm inançların temellerine ait bilgiye sahip olup, İnsanın yeryüzünde var oluş gerçeğini bilmektedir.

Date: 16 March 2013
Posted By : Tanveer
Posted By : Tanveer
Hz. İsa: Mısır metni Dünya dışı şekildeğiştiren olduğunu iddia ediyor
Mısırda keşfedilen 1200 yıllık bir yazıda, Hz.
İsa'nın şekil değiştirebilme yeteneği olan Dünya dışı bir varlık olduğu
iddia edilmektedir. Dünyaca bilinen, David Icke adlı komplo
teorisyenini ve UFO araştırmacısının hipotezine göre de Hz. İsa
üstün yetenekleri olan Dünya dışı varlıklardan şekil değiştirendir. Bu
metinde Hz. İsa'yı ihbar ederek ihanet ettiği havarilerinden Judas'ın
Hz. İsa'nın şekil değiştirebilme yeteneğinden haberdar olduğu ve bir
öpücük kullanarak aldattığı belirtilmektedir. Metinde, yargıç
tarafından İsa'yı çarmıha germe ile yetkililendirilen Pontius
Pilatus'un, İsa'nın çarmıha gerilmesinden önceki gece onunla yemek
yediği ve Hz. İsa'ya yerine oğlunu feda edebileceğini söylediğini ifade
etmektedir. Bu anlamda, bulunan metin doğru tercüme edilmişse, Leonardo
da Vinci'nin Mona Lisa tabletindeki tasvir edilen hikaye ile Hz. İsa'nın
yabancı bir uygarlığın varlığı olması konusunda bire bir örtüşmektedir.
Jesus: Egyptian text reveals alien shapeshifter
An Egyptian text, which has been recently discovered, describes Jesus as an alien who possessed the ability to shapeshift. A hypothesis by David Icke, a world renowned conspiracy theorists and UFO researcher has long concluded that Jesus was actually an alien who possessed super natural abilities.
This newly discovered Egyptian text dates back around 1200 years, and it portrays the story of Jesus’ Crucifixion in a completely different manner. The text tells us that Judas used a kiss to betray Jesus, as he was aware that Jesus had the ability to change his shape.
The text is very unique in nature as it provides fascinating information. It even claims that Pontius Pilate, the judge who authorized Jesus' crucifixion, had dinner with him the night before his crucifixion. It further claims that Pontius offered to sacrifice his own son in the place of Jesus. If we believe in the information contained in this text, we will have to conclude that Jesus was an ancient alien.
Watching The World Change
Are UFO's Really Fallen Angels?
Posted By Jim McElwee 2/7/13
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If your a long-time UFO enthusiast like myself, your probably open-minded enough to consider ALL possibilities. The truth is we been fooled by false claims, we are always sorting through bogus evidence, and most the times the predictions NEVER come true. We witnessed this First-Hand recently with so many "Alien Channelers" and "Crop Circles" telling us 12/21/2012 was going to be a consciousness shift- but nothing happened.
Some of these false prophets even go around claiming the shift DID happen and we are now living in a new-world. Perhaps its time to look in a new direction for truth.
We know for certain that unidentified objects are indeed real and our Government studied enough of this phenomenon to convince even the most hardcore skeptics. But perhaps they don't come from other planets at all. Lately we been hearing from many sources that "Aliens" are actually "Inter Dimensional Beings". Can it be possible that UFO's are the Fallen Angels spoken of in the bible?
NASA's official claim is that they do not investigate UFOS. Maybe because they are actually serving these Fallen Angels in the End-Game plan. It makes a bit of sense seeing how most astronauts (especially UFO whistle blowers) are actually Free Masons.. Actually, a Free Mason flag was left on the moon which proudly displays the Triple Cross of the Baphomet. If anyone takes the time to look for "Baphomet Signs" and "Maltese Crosses" in Free Masonry, One can clearly see the Free Masons serve Lucifer.
Sounds a little zany on the front- but keep in mind that it's well documented that The Worlds Elite go to Bohemian Grove every year and perform ceremonies under a wooden owl. And it's no secret that our Federal Reserve system is riddled with satanic imagery on our currency as well as national establishments abroad. From Egyptian Obelisks outside DC and The Vatican, it is no question our leaders prefer an Ancient Babylon style of Government over Individual Rights. The proof of Satanists in High Positions Runs DEEP. It just depends how far down the Rabbit Hole you want to go.
Now that were past 2012 and seen the Mayan Prophecies fall flat people are questioning their beliefs. So far everything the New-Age has told them been wrong. Promises from Alien Sources like The Andromeda Council, Galactic Federation of Light, Consciousness of Nine, and even famous speakers like David Wilcock, Drunvalo Melchizedekk, Maxwell Jordan, David Icke, George Kavassilas, Tolec, Insider Drake, Benjamin Fulford, and many others just did not Pan-Out.
What is true though- is that we are controlled by a bunch of Slime Balls who are more motivated by "Self Benefit" than Pure Intentions. These people are Highly Paid Bankers and people with Satanic Connections. The Bible tells us our worst enemy is "Wickedness in High Places". And that's EXACTLY where we stand.
Many logically believe the Alien Card will be the last card in their hand. The Alien Question has been the greatest mystery of all time and is riddled with mysticism. Media and Movies has conditioned us to side with the person who "Saves The World". Like Superman.. But the Bible tells us that when the savior returns, don't be fooled to think he come to save the world. The savior comes to Harvest at the end of times. So when the Great Ensnarement (spoken of in the bible) comes, don't be surprised if "Aliens" are involved.
According to the Bible- The Great Ensnarement will capture most of the souls on Earth. Only the Christians will know how the script goes. First comes the Rider on the White Horse holding a bow. He is an IMPOSTER.. The true savior is the SECOND White Rider who holds a cycle. If you have the seal of god on your forehead, you will be round up into the barn after the wicked have been bundled up to be burned.
For those of you who are logical enough to consider such a possibility- I hope you research this a bit further to see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. I was once a New-Ager and a UFO enthusiast for 15+ years. But the surmounting evidence of Satanism that directly correlates to Biblical Scripture is outstanding.

Leonardo isteyenler görmezden! Teşekkürler!
YanıtlaSilBen 2005. Yılında Paris'te iken, ben Louvre müzesine olamazdı. Ama Louvre nazik Fransızlar tarafından sağlanan ses kayıt cihazı ile geldi."Mona Lisa" Bulunamadı ve kayıt arka plan ses başyapıtı görmek için geldi çok sayıda ziyaretçi yarattı başladı.Mantığı basitti. Kendimi herhangi bir başyapıt oldukça yapılandırılmış bilgi alanının özelliğine sahip olduğunu belirtmek için izin ver. İnsan - bu, onun temel, aynı zamanda alan yapısı. İnsan başyapıt - iki alan yapıların bir kontak vardır. Bu muhtemelen sanat gücüdür.Sesleri
(konuşma, ayak, vb karıştırma) başyapıtı olan insanlar yayınlanan benim için çok değerli, onlar onunla ilişkili korelasyon. Bu kayıtları karmaşık dönüşüm süreci tabi, ben bazı inanılmaz ses başardı. Birçok şoka yol vardır - bu portre ile net bir tanımlama yoktur sesler "Mona Lisa." Ben Venüs ünlü heykel Benzer kayıtları yaptık. "Bilgi", "Akım" ve "Communication" - bir sonucu olarak, bu kayıtların temelinde, üç eser vardı.
MONA LISA_VENUS(Опыт работы с шедеврами) .avi
Yapı olarak sunulan: Mona Lisa mırıldanmaya - bir dönüşüm süreci Venüs arka hum sonucu - bir dönüşüm süreci plan sonucu, detay çalışması "Bilgi" (sadece dönüştürülmüş sesler).
Academia of Music, Kishinev MOLDOVA
(sorry, translated by google)